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The short history CPS (s)
(Carving Precious and Semi-precious stones),
reached by samples of unprocessing stones

Putting into shapes of stones started since the remote past. May be, the firs Sense of this work consisted at using goods as tools instruments.
So, at the ancient Babylon were made the stone cylinder-seals, which were rolled on a clay, that received the relief impressions.

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The stones were useful also as retual subjects added them the sacral Sense to nephrite, amethyst, Cornelia and also mother of perl and umber ascribed a medicinal characteristics.
From ancient Egypt came down to us plural stone- portrays of holy scarabeoes-bugs. Judging by their quantity there were very popular and manufacture of them was mass-full production about decorative using of stones [1], [2].

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It says in Bible: " 9... and take two stones- onyx and carve on them the names of Israel's suns: 10... six names on one stone and six names on the other stone by the order of their birth" (chapter 28).
In passing, onyx-very hard stone what shows the level of technology those times. It is a passage from description of a preparation precious and semi-precious stones for reached the retual clothes of the First-priest.
The twelve names symbolize 12 knees of Israel, there were 12 stones at all, and among them were smagard, diamond, sapphire, agate, and chrytholite.

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In antique world were wide-used the seals-intaglios which have been carved deeps in a stone. Quite often they had a scarabeoes-shapes, and picture had been carved on a flat side of the stone Intaglios connected in themselves three functions; decorative, religious- mystic and utility (identification of owner) [3]
But only in Antique Greece the aesthetically Sense of the goods from stones predominated It's embodiment demanded making goods separately, a careful perfection of the works of art Greeks at first solved a structural possibilities of material and began working with multilayers colored stones invented a hight- relief carving and thereby created a new ganre-cameos At the Temples and at outstanding owns gathered the first collections of gems (may be, they were the first collections by works of art Masters strived at artistry effects which strikes us today [4] Stones which processed by them, often were more hardness then steel, Renovation the instruments; were designed a new devices for carving with rotations chisels, new abrathives, magnifying lenses from rock crystal for enlarge picture during work-process e.t.c. Gliptic becomes quite developed craft.
Rome didn't add a new Senses of gliptic, but improved the technology and extended the themes of portrays. [5]

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The same it's possibly to say and about Renaissance Period. It's indexed the growth interest at Antique legacy, also at gliptic- as an aspect of art. In this genre were created a lot of masterpieces [6], [7], [8].
Once again reopening by Europeans at Antique gliptic connected with campaign by Napoleon Bonaparte to Africa and Middle East, accompanied with the archa- eological investigating, Obtained the antique examp- les (cameo Gonthago, for example, was brought to Europe by Napoleon) generated a fashion at the
cameos. Demand for these goods was so great, for speed-up started to carve them on more soft mate- rials:  sea-shells, corals. From tens cameos made
necklace, and used them like buttons for clothes.

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At follows Times cameos, gems, seals becomes also the symbols of society-status, and the society succeed. On a level with creative of unique examples and perfection technology it's stimulated production.
Came out a mainly copies, imitations of masterpieces, they decorating ears, necks, fingers, belts and other outstanding parts of body. Processing precious and semi-precious stones became accessibility for many people and changing also at the families relics, which passed by legacy and symbolized a memory of generations (Grandmother's brooch, father's ring).
And once again Sense, which appear not long ago at the gliptic's goods;the live, stopped in a stone the most longevity witness of Last.
Studying a genre scenes, the portraits of heroes, e.t.c. the historians can judge about last events and styles of live our forerunners.

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Mass-culture, from one side, reduce a level of art-works, and called application in gliptic a high- technologies, essential diminishes time necessary to making goods. From another - raised value of really worthwhile separately stone, to make which not possibly for each master, We suppose, that to call modern it's possible the work of gliptic, which carry on self all historical springed up levels of Senses exis- tens of its ganre. We counted six same Senses.
Where is those Master, which will find and realize the sevens?
