F U T U R E   I S R A E L


Your opinion


Hen ben Djabar

The foreword.
The below stated monograph is not political opinion of the author, but the total of the impartial personal investigation of the current processes in the surrounding World. With "jerk" for the investigation were the tragic events in New York of September 11, 2001. In the monograph the Basic Law of the surrounding World concluded. Combined usage of the Basic Law and the methods of reason-consequential link will allow to analyze any problems of the modern mankind and to work out concerning ideal solutions. But, if the ideal solutions do not content the struggling opposing sides of mankind, they can be based for the compromise agreements and solutions. Unfortunately, the deflections from this method of application will lead to doom of the civilization. The writing of the monograph is finished in June, 2003. All subsequent time up to today the author was keeping an eye on the events and the processes, being in his view, adding his monograph with the most important events and collating their progressing with positions of the Basic Law. The revise affirmed the rightness of the waiting.

1. The Basic Law of the surrounding World (of the environment).

Natural cataclysms and terror have overcome the mankind in the start of present century. The rea-sons of natural disasters we can explain from the scientific point of view. The problems of the terror-ism are considered as a matter of the political figures. But the political figures, as it is known, are subjected to the influence a conjuncture. Therefore, the probability of acceptance of a right decision is rather insignificant. Now the terrorism is a method of the strife of weakly armed groups of the population against others groups having powerful arms. Each of the opposing groups has its truth, its inclinings. Accounting the huge potential of destructive force of the population, any war can lead to catastrophe. Therefore, diverse approach is required for a neutralizing of the terrorism. During many centuries the huge information about the phenomena, events, facts of habitabilities of mankind, about relationship between the mankind and the surrounding World (the environment) has been ac-cumulated. It is also known that in the course of time the phenomena, the events and the facts have been repeating periodically. Their level of the qualitative state has been changing only. Apparently the mankind's habitability, as well as other processes in the surrounding World, passes under the definite laws. Probably the ignoring of these laws led to the wars and natural cataclysms. Systematizing the accumulated knowledge, comparing and analyzing the events, the facts, the phenomena, we will formulate the Basic Law of the surrounding World, which one has been explained below and consists of 4 axioms.
The Basic Law of the surrounding World.

  The axiom 1. Each  of us as well as all rest of the mankind (individuals), the fauna, the vegetation, our planet, other planets, and so on (objects) are the constituents of the surrounding World, (an environment).                        
  The axiom 2. The surrounding World is the uniform global field of an energetics. All processes in the field are interdependent. They proceed in conditions of the relative equal balance.
  The axiom 3. Any destabilizing affecting of the objects and the individuals onto the environment evokes a return reaction of the environment. The environment, suppressing the destabilizing affecting and/or its consequences, passes to the qualitatively new state of the relative equal balance.
  The axiom 4. The power and the plotting scale of the return reaction of the surrounding World about the destabilizing affecting of the objects and the individuals have not a limit, as the World is endless. Therefore, the forces of the reaction of the environment always will be more than the force of any destabilizing affecting.

Using these axioms in consideration of different problems of the modern mankind, the author came to the unexpected conclusions. It turned out that the truisms of the axioms are not always coinciding with the policy of the activity of the mankind, both in relationships between oneself, and in relation-ships with the environment. There may be, is it the reason of a lot of troubles endured by the man-kind? If formerly the troubles were passing without consequences, in the time of modern saturation with the power engineering by the mankind can take place the catastrophe of the civilization, if we do not take into account the given axioms. All positions of the Basic Law are long ago known and are obvious. They are dispersed in different branches of a science (physics, astronomy, biology, philosophy etc.). The author has only attempted clearly and laconically to concentrate them in the 4 axioms. In the concentrated aspect, the Basic Law considerably will facilitate analysis and definition of link between a reason and consequence of any biotic situation, any phenomena in the surrounding World.

The value and virtue of the Basic Law consists in following:
  Usage of the axioms of the Basic Law considerably will facilitate definition and analysis of the relationship of cause and consequence of any biotic situation of the individuals, any phenomena and facts in the surrounding World;
  It will promote working out concerning an ideal candidate solution of any problem of the individuals;
  It will help to forecast the negative events of the environment in reply onto the disturbing affecting. 
But relatively ideal version does not always content the opposing sides of the individuals. Therefore the opposing sides should work out the compromise agreements. The consequences of the compromise agreements should not go into a conflict with the Basic Law. The forecasted negative phenomena of the environment in time can be smoothed by processes of the compensation, the occluding and the neutralization. 

For obviousness of these assertions we will consider and analyze three cases of the destabilizing actions onto the environment:
  The case 1. The destabilizing action of the objects onto the environment. The environment is the system of objects.
  The case 2. The destabilizing action of the individuals onto the environment. The environment is the system of objects.
  The case 3. The destabilizing action of the individuals onto the environment. The environment is the system of individuals.

2. Case 1.  The destabilizing action of the objects onto the environment.
The environment is the system of objects.

The sources of underground jerks (the earthquakes), of a volcanic activity, of the solar activities, asteroids, meteorites, comets clashing with the Earth and others are the objects exerting the destabilizing actions onto the environment. On account of the destabilizing actions of the enumerated objects onto the environment can take place the change of a relief of the terrain (the formation of gullies, girders, orogenesis, the change of river-beds and other). With the environment's reaction will be: the climate's variation (an air's temperature variation, a copious fall out or a drought, strong winds, storms, tempests, whirlwinds, fires), the change of flora and fauna. In the course of time, under affecting of reacting of the environment, the environment accepts approximately the previous state: the hills, the gullies, the mountains become somewhat washed out, the rivers grow shallow and so on, that is, the environment comes to qualitatively new equilibrium state on the given
 terrain. The reaction of the environment step-by-step is getting weaker (axiom 3). We reviewed the case, in which one the influencing of the man onto the environment misses.
3. Case 2. The destabilizing action of the individuals onto the environment.
The environment is the system of objects.

The individual exerting the destabilizing action onto the environment is the Mankind. Formatting an existence for himself, the Mankind inflects the surface of the Earth (of the object) (builds and widens intensively the cities, destroys the forest massifs, constructs the irrigation canals, the man-made seas, dykes, weirs, drains the swamps and other), throws off huge mass of waste, dust and gas into the atmosphere, concentrates the vast energetics objects, that is, introduces into the environment a powerful unbalance. In this case, as well as in case of 1, reacting of the environment is inevitable and un-predictable. The reacting of the environment is a natural disaster for the Mankind.

4. The comparative analysis of the consequences of the destabilizing's affecting, explained in case of 1 and 2.    

Unlike the objects (in the case 1) the individuals (in the case 2) after the natural disaster (after reaction of the environment), they not only restore the broken down houses, the roads, the dams, the bridges, the dikes and other defensive buildings, but they also intensify their resisting against the element. That is, unlike the case 1, where the destabilizing action was one-time, in the case 2 the destabilizing actions of the individual (of the Mankind) onto the environment are retried in an improved aspect. Accordingly the destruction force, the scale, the recurrence rate of the reaction of the environment (the natural disasters) will be step-by-step increase pursuant to the axiom 4. That we are observing per the last ten years. Ever more and more territories of Northern America, Europe, Asia, of Australia are encompassed by natural disasters: powerful gale-force winds, tsunami, excessive precipitations, flooding, drought, wood fires and other. Moreover, the similar natural anomalies until recently were appearing once-twice per hundred-two hundred years, once per decade. In some cardinal points the natural anomalies have been appearing already annually and even twice per year per the last decade. As a matter of fact the problem of survival will rise to the Mankind shortly. The whole countries can be erased from the face of the Earth. It is necessary urgently to work out the new conception of interrelations of the Mankind with the environment. The conception should include the well founded scientific recommendations.

The contents of some of the numerous recommendations, the following:
  Constructing for themselves, the Mankind should foresee premises to the destabilizing action onto the environment. At a originating of the premises, it is necessary to stop the construction or to pro-vide processes of compensation, occluding or neutralizing of the destabilizing factors.
  After the counteraction of the environment (the natural disaster) it is unreasonable(!!!) to deoxidate a broken down infrastructure, defensive buildings and sources of a destabilizing action. If the locale is becoming unsuitable for dwelling of the people, it is necessary to reduce an amount of livings, to remove the people to other locales.
  Countries, which the natural disaster has not touched, should be ready to acceptance of the refugees from countries, staggered with the natural element. The international community should render the material help, both to the refugees, and to the countries receiving the refugees.
  Scientific thought of the Mankind should route a maximal effort to an elaboration of the methods of discovery of zones of the forming of the reacting of the environment (the zones of the forming of waterspouts, hurricanes, tsunami and other) and ways of neutralization, occluding, compensation and attenuation of the reacting of the environment.   
5. Case 3. The destabilizing action of the individuals onto the environment.
The environment is the system of individuals.

The individuals affecting onto the environment are the followings:
  the separate man or the group of people,
  the separate country or the group of countries.
The environment is the following:
  the group of people (in relation to the separate man),
  the population of the separate country (in relation to the separate group of people),
  the population of the Earth (in relation to the separate country or the group of countries).
The basic destabilizing actions of the separate individuals onto the rest of individuals of the environment are the followings:
  an impairment of a normal habitability of the individuals, 
  destruction of the individuals.
The prerequisites of the destabilizing action of the separate individuals onto the environment are the followings:
  the essential gap between levels of the incomes of the rich and poor people in a separate country,
  the essential gap of levels of civilizations of the population of separate country or groups of countries in relation to the rest of population of the Earth,
  an occupation by the separate individuals (by the separate countries) of territories of other individuals (of other countries),
  mass deportation of the individuals (the groups of the population),
  mass migration of the individuals  (the group of the population),
  high density of the individuals (of the population).
Let us examine the above-stated premises more in detail.
6. The essential gap between levels of the incomes of the rich and poor people in separate country. 
As soon as the gap of the incomes between strata of the population reaches critical point (the threat of habitability of the individuals will appear), the destabilizing action onto the environment will arise. The destabilizing actions will evoke the environment's reaction pursuant to the axiom 3. The reaction can be exhibited through "democratic" shocks, revolts, civil wars. At the end, the State and financial organs will be smashed and plundered, the industry and trade will be ruined; an army and a police will be demoralized. The leadership of the country by means of retaliatory bodies will try to maintain and even to strengthen own position in such circumstances. Pursuant to the axiom 4 (the forces of the reaction of the environment always will be more than any destabilizing action), the repetitive reacting of the environment will be more destructive. The new State will be formed step-by-step on ruins of the former State (the axiom 3). It is necessary to account that any punitive acts spawn the additional destabilizing factors: the sharp impairment of habitability, the murder and the deportation of the individuals. It will lead to magnification of the summary vector of the destabilizing action and, accordingly, to magnification of destruction force of the environment's reaction. At originating the premise of the destabilizing action - the essential gap between the standards of living of rich and poor strata of the population, it is necessary to use a method of compensation at the expense of the part of the population with the high  incomes and of optimization of the internal consumer market.
7. The essential gap of levels of civilizations of the population of separate country or groups of countries in relation to the rest of population of the Earth.                                                                                         

a) The decline of the United States of America.          

Making the chronological review of events in the history of the mankind, we will detect that in the course of definite time the ancient civilizations were arising and were disappearing. At first they were reaching a heyday, then under pressure of surrounding tribes and own slaves their fall was coming. At one time the powerful empires (the Ancient Egypt, the Babylon, the Roman Empire, the Byzantine Empire and others) were disintegrating. The past century was not an exception British, French, Spanish and other colonial systems have disintegrated with following equalizing of the levels of progressing of the former parent States and the colonies.

What is the modern world? From the middle of 40th and till the 90th years of the past century the world was as a matter of fact parted in two camps (in two systems). The systems differed one from other with the economical structure and the level of economical progressing. But they had powerful facilities of a demolition each other. The USA and the former USSR were at the head of the camps. The intellectual elites of these states did not admit the armed confrontation. The local wars were sometimes conducted. But they were dosed strictly in usage of arms and they were bounded territorially. They also were having finished according to the principle of 50/50. So two states of Germany, two states of Korea, two states of Vietnam appeared. Each of the systems was monitoring its camp strictly. The relative equal balance was maintained in the world.

The unbalanced process began after the USSR has disintegrated. The population of many countries of the third world was deprived the support of the USSR. At the same time, on the background of the mass poverty of the population of the Asia, the Africa and the Latin America, the economics of the western leading countries was hoisted hill up. The economics of the USA reached the phenomenal level. It was formed the huge difference potential between the level of development of the USA and of the rest of world. That is, it was formed the powerful destabilizing factor. Pursuant to the axiom 3, it has appeared a hazard of display of reaction of the surrounding world. Legal and not lawful penetrating (diffusion) of the foreign citizens into the developed countries from less developed and poor countries is one of signs of the display of such reacting. A considerable share of these people occupying the work stations intended for the natives, almost all own incomes are sending abroad, thus, inflicting damage to the internal consumer market of a stay country. In the course of time, whole Diasporas of new nations were created in these countries, which under certain conditions can become a destruction force for the country of stay (we will recollect analogy - revolt of the foreign slaves, for example, in the Ancient Greece or the example of November (2005) clutters in the France and in some other European countries). It is impossible to exclude, also, that the event in New York of September 11, 2001 is the fact of a prolongation and reaction of the surrounding world on account of the destabilizing action (the essential difference of levels of the civilizations). In addition to everything, some staffs of the State annually suffer from powerful natural disasters. The financial expenditures on confrontation with the natural cataclysms and on the keeping up of the world order in single have reduced to a huge deficit of the budget. A disastrous fall of the National currency of the USA is not far off. It has appeared the substantial threat of disintegration of the civilization of the USA. As economics and policies of the USA are intimately connected to economics and policies of the majority of the European countries and of a great number of the states of the rest of world, the danger of originating of the disintegration is imminent over them. First the States-satellites will feel it on them-selves. As it was marked above, the potential of saturation energetics of the modern civilization is those, that result of reaction of the surrounding world can be disappearance of everything alive on the Earth. To avoid or to cushion operating of the reacting it is possible, having elaborated the acceptable concept of survival of a modern civilization. The concept should correspond to the Basic Law of the surrounding World.
b) The concept of survival of the modern civilization.

The concept includes into itself processes of recovery of relative balance of interrelations between the individuals, "pulling up" the level of economics of the underdeveloped individuals. The variety of the World, surrounding us, requires the differentiated approach to different groups of the individuals (to the states with the weak economics). It can be three of such groups.
  The 1st group is the states with the democratic regimes without ambitions.
  The 2nd group is the states with ambitions for diverse ideology.
  The 3rd group is the states with criminal and religious extremist regimes.

Some countries of the East Europe, of the Asian countries the former USSR and of the Latin America are referred to the first group. These countries need a straight economical support. The investments in a development of the industry for magnification of the labor activity of the population also are necessary to them.

The countries with the saved communist regimes and ones which were under the influencing of the USSR and the China are referred to the second group. These States need in every possible way to further for the economical integration in the head with the economically influential State. It is some-thing like alternative for the Socialist camp. This integration will be able to keep its members in limits of the limitations which were worked out by the world community. Thus, to render assistance for the creation in the world the constructive oppositional systems.

Some states of Asia and Africa with the frankly extremist regimes appertain to the third group. This group has appeared after the break-down of the Socialist system. It has refilled the group of the states of the third world with a mass poverty, a low level of education and a primitive economics. They are the states with a cheap manpower and  by the gun meat". It has appeared the free niche, with which could not take advantage the highly developed states. They have not wanted beforehand to invest facilities to defend themselves in the future. The criminal members and the religious extremists with ambitions for world domination made use of the got free niche. They became a source of financing and opening-up of terrorist organizations. The stability of the regimes in these states is maintained by the force and the scanty sops to the population. To this group of the states it is expedient to apply the destabilizing action (for example, an occupation). But, in order to prevent the environment's reacting, it is necessary to use the process of the compensation (for example, economical support to the population). It needs maximally to avoid other destabilizing actions, which ones ac-company the occupation (the forcible operating, the murder of the people).
The operating of the antiterrorist coalition headed by USA in Afghanistan are the exponential illustration of liquidation of the extremist regime. During all history of the Mankind there were not analogs of similar actions, because for the first time, such large scaled military acts have not aroused an unbalance of the environment, as they were tracked by powerful buy-back measures (the humanitarian caravans have followed behind troops). But the occupation can not last long. The occupation troops should temporarily be executing the duty of policemen and promote a rapid recovery of the national authority.

The occupation of the Iraq is completely unjustified. The Iraq it would be possible to refer to the second group of the states. It is not the extremist State. This State was ruled by the totalitarian dictatorial regime, which one has crushed any extremist manifestations. In the Iraq the internal stability was maintained with the force. The intervention of the external forces (the occupation) has reduced to destabilizing. The recovery of the balance in the Iraq will demand huge expenditures, and it will be able to reduce the occupation side to the economical decline. The abnormally selected policy can evoke the intensification of reaction of the environment.
8. The State Israel and the locale of the Near East.    
a) The Europe is the primary source of the Middle East crisis.

The Jewish population of the Europe was permanently pursued. All the wars on the continent were tracked by pogroms. Driven to despair folk left some European states and settled in countries of the Africa, the Asia and the America. The countries, which the Jews abandoned, suffered in a consequence the sharp economical droop or they were completely broken down by the nearby states. The countries, in which the Jews arrived, started to prosper (if the process of resettlements was not tracked with estrangement of grounds from the natives).                      

The XX century became culmination for the Jewish folk of the Europe. The stream of migration of the Jews to the Palestine has grown from the 30-th and up to the end of the 40-th years. And it is not that diverse, as a development of the destabilizing action onto the environment of the locale. The de-stabilizing action has evoked the reacting of the environment: the militant raids of the Palestinians have begun onto the settlements of the emigrants (the axiom 3). In their turn, the Jewish colonists have begun to create the squads of self-defense. The zone and power of the reacting of the Palestinians were reamed accordingly (axiom 4). The creation of the State Israel in 1948 has augmented a potential of a destabilizing action considerably. The reacting of the environment was augmented also. Now, except of the Palestinians, all Arab states of the Asia and the Africa came into a confrontation with the new State. In the course of time, with a growth of the defensive potentialities of
 the Israel, the reacting of the environment became more destructive (the wars of the 40th, 50th, 60th, 70th years). 
The military defensive operations of the Israel were tracked by occupation of the grounds of the Palestine, of the Syria, the Egypt, and the Lebanon with the deportation of the Arab population. Simultaneously, the arriving emigrants from the Europe settled on the occupied territories. The most numerous migration of the Jews was from the republics of the former USSR in the last decade of last century.

To a start of the present century the level of economical progressing of the Israel has reached the apogee. The difference between standards of living of the Israelis and population of the adjacent Arab states was augmented. Thus, the powerful summary vector of the destabilizing action was formed. From this moment the most destructive reacting of the environment (the "Intifada Al-Axsa") began. The Palestinians not having in a sufficient amount and quality of arms have selected the tac-tics of regular terrorist attacks. The war has gained the infinite flaccid nature for exhausting of the State Israel. It is undermining its economics catastrophically.

Moreover, it began to be discovered obvious strategic preponderance in the Palestinians' favor.  Firstly, because of the occupation of the Palestinian territories the Israel bears injury many times exceeding injury of the Palestinians. In the fight the Palestinians lose nothing, they only acquire. Secondly, driven to despair the Palestinian population has turned into the most redoubtable and dangerous weapon - "clever alive bombs", against which ones have no defense. This weapon can stagger any dot of the country. The phenomenon of self-sacrifice in the name of redemption from the occupation has accepted mass nature. It is once again confirms inevitability of the reacting of the environment on the destabilizing action and unpredictability of ways of its implementation. In order to prevent infiltration of the "clever alive bombs" into own territory, the Israelis have decided to separate from the most problematic regions of the Palestine.

Analogy with the case 2 (see the item 4 "Comparative analysis of the consequences of the destabilizing actions explained in the case of 1 and 2") here is displayed when the destabilizing action into the environment "was perfected". Pursuant to the axiom 4, the force and the scale of the reacting of the environment were augmented too: the powerful pressure of the European Union and other countries of the world community has joined the struggle of the Arabs. And USA began to exhibit the discontent.

The notice. The unique difficultly soluble context has turned out. Two peoples with own completely
                   fair purposes have collided on small plot of the Palestinian ground. One folk is 
                   struggling for a survival, another one is struggling for redemption of the occupied territories. I.e., from both sides the fair war is conducted. It is nonsense, because the history of wars does not know analogs with the similar military conflicting. Usually, such side is winning, which is conducting a fair war. In the Israeli-Palestinian conflicting any of the sides will not win the victory, the war will last up to full abolition of both peoples. As all processes in our world are interdependent (the axiom 2), cones quinces for future man-kind can be essential. It is possible to forecast progressing of the scenarios of different consequences. One of them - prolongation of war up to full abolition of both peoples. In this case on one hand the evident and hidden anti-Semites (for the first - the old dream - the final decision of the Jewish question will be carried out, for the second - such a cheerful perspective: there is a nation, there is a problem, no nation
 - no problem). On the other hand, all neighboring Arab countries representing the elite of the Moslem world which were involved in the conflicting will be wiped out. The world will remain one to one with the religious-extremist regimes, which by then will wield all Moslem countries. The preliminary forecast of the scenarios of a development of events will help to analyze operatings of different political groupings (or of countries), whether they have constructive or destructive nature.
b) About a new policy of mutual relationships of the State Israel with the Palestinian folk.
Apparently early late, under affecting of reaction of the environment, the destabilizing action depicted in item 8a, sooner or later will be overwhelmed (pursuant to the axioms 3 and 4). And, if this process to let on gravity flow, the consequences for the locale will be catastrophic. To avoid catastrophe it is possible, having immediately begun a process of neutralization of the destabilizing action onto the environment. It will allow to retain the State Israel and to go out of the population crisis with the least losses.

For this, the Israeli side should change the policy of relations with the Palestinians, having made very strong steps:
  to state about the termination of persecution of all hostile Palestinian groupings;
  to apply to the principals of these groupings with a call about a termination of act of war and to invite them to negotiations for settling all contradictions, without exception;
  to declare about withdrawal of the troops from the occupied Palestinian territories;                     
  to pronounce about the immediate release all Palestinian prisoners (except criminal members), to complete the release after a positive outcome of the talks. The example of an ideal list of indispensable operatings of the Israeli side was cited above. Other measures are possible also, if only they do not go into a conflict with the axioms of the Basic Law.
Following pitch should be compensation and  neutralization of the below enumerated destabilizing factors:
1)  The essential variance of levels of civilization of the population of Israel and the Palestinian Autonomy.
2)  The occupation of the Palestinian territories.
3)  The mass deportation of the Palestinians from the occupied territories.
4)  The mass migration of the Jewish population to the State Israel from all the world.
5)  The high density of the population in the State Israel.

1) The essential variance of levels of civilization of the population of Israel and the Palestinian Autonomy.

The biotic level of the Palestinians depends on political settlement which one will promote increase of the working places. And the international community should assist:
  to creation of a favorable economical zone in the Palestinian state for progressing of business and of industry;
  to progressing of education and culture;
  to support of the traditional religious teachings.
The support of the centuries-old traditional and religious cultures that doubtlessly will reduce to weakening influence of the extremist trends.
2) The occupation of the Palestinian territories.

The territory under the Israeli sovereignty up to 1967 is favored by the world community (by the environment). The territories occupied by the Israel after 1967 they should be unconditionally returned to the future Palestinian State. Having reconciled a line of boundaries to promote for the creation of the Palestinian State with inclusion into it the eastern part of Jerusalem. Stumbling-block will be the Jewish settlements. The settlements, which have arisen for the period of "Intifada", it is necessary to move into the State Israel. The old Jewish settlements are impossible to evacuate. It will evoke the destabilizing factor inside the State Israel (the deportation of the population). The only ideal conciliatory proposal of the problem is a continuation of residing of the colonists on conditions of lease the grounds or under condition of acceptance of the Palestinian citizenship. The resettlement of the masses of people and the lease of grounds will demand from the State Israel of considerable expenditures. And if the state is not able to cover these expenditures, the international community should take a part of expenditures on itself.

The notice. Contrary to the justified above-stated assertions, the government of Israel has manufactured resettlement of the Israelis, living in the occupied territory about 38 years, into the limits of the State from August 21 till August 23, 2005 according to the plan of delimitation (destabilizing influence: deportation and change for the worse of the living activity of the population). In the society it was constructed the strained situation (the reaction of the environment). In a case of the additional destabilizing affecting factors (an armed outrage, connected with beating or killing of the people) the State will not be able to avoid a social burst.    

3) The mass deportation of the Palestinian population from the occupied territories.
The deportation of hundreds thousand of the Palestinians and originating of the refugee camps are the consequences of the Israeli occupation. And existence of the refugee camps is the major source of all troubles. Not any of political parties gave clear recommendations to solve the problems of refugees. Everybody delicately tried to a void this problem supposing that it will disappear in and of itself. They are nutritious soil for the extremists, they are inexhaustible source of "generation" of the terrorists, "of live bombs". No government of the Palestine is able to monitor the adding up situation. Without solution of the problem of the refugees it is impossible to eradicate the terrorism. On the other hand, if to return all this mass of the people on the territory of the Israel, there will be created a powerful destabilizing factor, which one will without doubt evoke the reaction of the environment (the axioms 3 and 4). It is necessary the elaboration of acceptable operatings in arrangement of the Palestinian refugees with compensation of the intellectual and physical injury, which was inflicted.
The exemplary list of the operatings is the following:
  A part of the Palestinians must be brought back to the territory of the Israel and settle them by colonies on the rights of rent of grounds or on the rights of the citizens of the State Israel.
  Other part of the Palestinians should settle by colonies on the rights of a rent of the grounds or on the rights of the citizens in the friendly Arab states.
  The rest of the refugees it is necessary to rehouse into the future Palestinian state.
  To assist the wishing Palestinians for emigration into other countries of world community.
  Not to hinder resettlement of the Israelis into other countries of the world (because of non-compatibility of cultures);
  The resettlements should be tracked with a construction of dwelling, with a creation of an infrastructure of the national education and culture, workstations and a social welfare.
  The world community through the UNO should finance the enumerated operatings.                   
This list can be unacceptable to the opposing sides. But it is ideal, from the point of view of the Basic Law, and it is base for the compromise.                     
4) The mass migration of the Jewish population to the State Israel out of all the world ("Aliya").

The mass migration of the population as well as the forcible mass migration of the animals, birds,  fishes is the destabilizing affecting onto the environment (pursuant to the Basic Law), even if it bears with itself temporary positive effect for the interested individuals. The history is the witness of reacting of the environment to the cases of the mass delivery of the rabbits into Australia during development of it by the Europeans, of the mass extermination of sparrows by the Chineses per the sixtieth years and of the delivery by the Americans into their inland waters of the Far East fish "snake-heads". Unless urgently adopted measures, all three cases could end with catastrophe for the surrounding fauna and flora. We will recollect analogy - the mass extermination of the Jews, the Gypsies, the parts of the Poles and other peoples by the fascists and what the environment has made for the fascist Germany in a consequence.

I am not going to dwell on consequences of process of the mass migration of the Jews, as the "aliya" under the affecting of reacting of the environment was considerably reduced and this problem is already not topical. I will mark off only one, on the background of the mass deportation the Palestinians the mass immigration of the Jews from the republics of the former USSR was having the powerful destabilizing factor. It was the essential addition into the summary vector of the destabilizing action onto the environment. To the small country were moved several hundreds thousand men. The fourth part out of them is not in demand in the labor market of the State. They considerably have augmented army of the unemployed and have spawned many other attendant negative problems, which can introduce threat to biotic capability of the state (see item 6).

The notice.   Therefore, the declarations of some Israeli politicians about a continuation of rise of the "Aliya" are not only irresponsible, but also harmful. Besides, the economical program of Sharon-Netanjahu's Government did not take into account the destructive factor of growth of poverty, especially among the immigrants ("olim hadashim"). By the way, the essential cocking in sphere of economics have reduced to crisis of authority in November 2005, i.e. to "democratic" convulsions (see item 6).
The analysis of situation demonstrates that the Zionism's idea about returning of the Jews to "Eretz Israel" now any more does not bear creative nature any more. It can only ease off or finally disorganize the Jewish State. And for the Jews of the world it is necessary the support of the strong and authoritative State Israel.   
5) The high density of the population.

Excessively high density of the population also is the destabilizing factor. The time has come to decide and this problem too. It is true, the deficit of water, the high saturation with a transport, an infrastructure of objects of chemical and energetic on one square kilometer, the high-gravity ecological situation is the straight consequent the high-density of the population.

For the regularizing of the density of the population it is necessary:
  To confine sharply an influx of emigrants into country. To cease "competition" with the natives of the Arab population in an increase of their quantity. The increase of the Arab population goes by a natural way. The realization of growth of quantity of the Jewish population at the expense of the "aliya" is deeply erratic and introduces the destabilizing affecting into the environment.
  To promote and to encourage intelligently and economically to a regulation of the birth rate. Not to pity the means for the education. The investigations demonstrate the birth rate is lowering, the able-bodied age and the duration of the life of people are augmenting in more educated society. The method of rent of the grounds in amicable countries is not less perspective.
  Is not admissible at all and is not favorable to the state an influx of foreign workmen with presence of the huge army of the unemployed. The foreign workmen send, almost, all their earnings abroad. And it has an unfavorable effect for the internal consumer market. It is necessary to interest the employers economically (contrary to the padding taxation), instead of foreign workmen, to receive the unemployed, subsidizing a part of the salary, the educational courses and observance of safety measures at the expense of a fund of the Institute of the social insurance. The uncontrolled and unlimited rise of an amount of the foreign workmen in the state can be a source of powerful destabilizing processes under definite negative conditions in the future (the November clutters 2005 were arranged by the unindigenous inhabitants of France and other European states).

9. Supplement.

  The most favorable development of events in the environment when all processes, flowing in
it, are relatively balanced (the axiom 2). Apparently, that any environment has a certain system of constrainings and back-weights, which help the relative stability of the habitability and the work capacity of the environment up to its natural wear, natural doom. The weakening or the liquidation of the system of constrainings and back-weights will reduce to the premature doom of the environment.
  The totalitarian state: an absolute monarchy, a ''lifelong" leader of State, one-party parliament or the parliament with a weak opposition (the system of constraining and back-weights either is completely absent or is ineffective). Such State will hardly avoid dramatic consequences.
The note.  A classic example of the stable system of constraining and back-weights is the State Israel of the sample 2001-2005. The Israeli Parliament had the strong opposition. Maneuvering between the dissatisfied part of the coalition and the opposition, thanks to it, the Prime Minister of the State Israel had a possibility to conduct through the  Parliament the important vital solutions.
The chief of the State can in the course of time become the hostage of a coalition, if the Parliament will consist of a powerful coalition and a dwarfish opposition.
  The global totalitarianism is the product of the joint efforts of mankind for a disassembly of the powerful system of constraining and back-weights - Socialist camp. The absence of a global system of constraining and back-weights has enabled to the strongest State in the world - to the USA unrestrictedly to dictate the clauses (conditions) to the world device. In this connection the influencing of the UN onto exterior policies of the USA, was essential loosened. If to estimate an extent of hazard of the global totalitarianism, it is commensurable with the hazard of a collision with a huge asteroid inevitably approaching to the Earth. The faster the USA will realize the negative role of the superiority above the rest of world, the the consequences will be less destructive.
  A world and the processes proceeding in it are various. The policies of a simplified approach and of thoughtless unification of events are extremely dangerous destabilizing action. It is impossible to generalize the Beslan bloody events (September 2004, the Northern Osetiya) with the liberation strife of the Palestinians by one definition, as for example, the "Moslem terrorism" or the "Islam fundamentalism".
  The tie between a cause and a consequence of the events in Beslan is the following:
- Disintegration of the USSR. 
- The weakness of the regime of original period of the free Russia.
- The manifestation and the propagation oof pockets of extremist influence from outside in the Russia (Moslems).                                                              

   The tie between a cause and a consequence of the Middle East conflicting:              
- The European anti-Semitism.
- The Zionism movement.
- The State Israel.
- The Palestinian people's movement of liiberation (Moslems).                     

Provided we will ignore the tie between cause and consequence and will search the cause for the religious ethnic attributes, we will promote a magnification of authority of the criminal extremist regimes in the Moslem world, we will restore against ourselves all Moslem world.
  As it was marked in a start of the monograph, the modern mankind, practically, is defenseless from operatings of natural disasters and terrorism. The analysis of these phenomena, pursuant to the Basic Law, in opinion of the author, will help mankind more effectively to neutralize them.
  The inalienable property of a substance and shape of its existence is the movement. The movement in the broad sense of the word is the multifarious movements of the substance from the simple movement up to the most complicated processes of thinking. The period of the habitability of the mankind is the period of one of the shapes of existence of the substance. The task of the mankind is to not do much harm to itself, and not to shorten the period of his existence with the slapdash destabilizing actions.        

September 2001 - September 2005.

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